岡山大学 ダイバーシティ推進本部




「Impressive Academic Presentations」

ワークショップの概要/Workshop Summary

Although publishing research is essential, communicating research in person via posters and slide talks is also an essential way to build credibility and have impact in the field. However, doing so effectively requires a different set of skills than writing a manuscript.

開催日時および内容/Date and time of the event

  • 2025年2月27日(木) 9:00~17:00/Feburary 27 (Thursday) 9:00-17:00

This 1-day workshop, including the following 5 modules and presentation activity, aims to give researchers the necessary skills to develop and deliver a successful presentation communicating their research.

Presentation Agenda Okayama


  1. Planning your narrative (09:00 – 09:45)
  2. Poster presentations (09:50–10:50)
  3. Slide presentations (11:00 – 12:00)
  4. Impressive academic presentations with Generative AI (13:00 – 14:20)
  5. Professional presentation skills (14:30 – 15:50)

(※)Presentation activity (16:00 – 17:00)


Module1~5はどなたでもご参加いただけますが、 (※)Presentation activityは30人が上限ですので、受講希望者の中から選考の上、お知らせいたします。なお、選考に際してはリーダー育成プログラムの受講登録者を優先して選考します。


While anyone can participate in Modules 1 through 5, the maximum number of participants for the Presentation activity is 30. Priority in selection will be given to those registered for the Leadership Development Program.
Note: The workshop will be held in English.

対象者/Expected participants
  • 国際会議等での効果的な発表のスキルの習得を目指す教員・研究者、大学院生。男女問わず奮ってご参加ください。
  • Teachers, researchers, and graduate students who wish to acquire skills for effective presentations at international conferences. Both men and women are welcome to attend.

Maybelline Yeo(PhD)氏(Editorial Development Advisor,Nature Portfolio)

Dr. Maybelline Yeo is Editorial Development Advisor at Nature Portfolio and is a Trainer for the Expert Trainer-led Nature Masterclasses training workshops to improve publication output worldwide. She has more than 10 years of scientific research experience and has numerous academic publications, grants and awards. She also has a strong science communication background and has collaborated with various researchers, universities, NGOs/NPOs, governments, schools, educators, and the general public.

  • 岡山大学津島キャンパス 創立50周年記念館 金光ホール
  • Kanemitsu Hall, 50th Anniversary Memorial Hall of Okayama University
申込締切:2月6日(木)17時00分/Closing date:Feburary 6 (Thursday) 17:00
  • 申し込み多数の場合には選考のうえ決定します。/If there are too many applications, a selection will be made.
  • 申込状況によっては、締切日を早めることがありますので、ご了承ください。/Please note that the closing date may be earlier depending on the number of applications.
申込方法/Application Method

以下リンクより必要事項を入力して申込ください。/Please click on the link below and fill in the required information to apply.






E-mail: sankaku1@adm.okayama-u.ac.jp